it will come to pass..

April 25, 2008

it will come to pass, with or without you.

i feel…

April 24, 2008

I feel that we are more concern with people looking down on us than no one looking up to us. Doesn’t matter if these people are perfect strangers, we just abhor the idea of people looking down on us. On the same scale, we are not bothered if no one looks up to us. Sad huh?

people rarely change…

April 22, 2008

Observation. People rarely change, they remain pretty much the same for their entire life. On the rare occasion when change occurs, they are compel to by some drastic circumstances, mostly unpleasant.

Heh! Had been wanting to try wordpress for a long time and finally I am here with this new blog. Haven’t figure out what I want to share here. Irony is I haven’t been writing much lately, reading has also taken a back seat so much so I am losing my lexicon and pretty much what I write is rubbish and shallow. Hopefully, the months ahead may offer new directions. Renew and refresh me, Lord.